Rick Astley / Are We There Yet?

"Are We There Yet?" is an album that has been long-awaited by fans of Rick Astley. The album's concept is centred around the journey and travel experiences that Rick had during his time in America in the late 80s. The album cover, featuring a powerful image of a dusty desert road, was carefully chosen in collaboration with Rick and his management team. Further, I created a custom handwritten text for the album title.

I adapted the album design to a wide range of packaging formats such as LP, CD, CD bookpack, and cassette, along with digital album art for the two singles. Additionally, I created a set of marketing materials such as printed ads, posters, animated tube adverts, and bus ads.

/ Album art  
/ Handwritten font
/ LP, CD, CD bookpack and Cassette packaging design
/ Singles digital album art
/ Tube ribbon advert (animation)
/ Printed adverts
/ Bus advert
/ Marketing assets